Canine Library: General

All Smiles

Good dental habits will ensure healthy teeth for your canine pal.

Dogs need dental cleaning and care just as humans do. According to a survey conducted at the Fourth World Veterinary Dental Congress in Vancouver, British Columbia, pet owners can add three to five years to their dogs' lives simply by providing routine dental care.

A simple three-step oral care program is recommended to keep your dog's teeth healthy:

1. Visit a veterinarian for your dog's a complete dental checkup. It is particularly important to make an appointment with your veterinarian for a dental exam or dental work if your dog is older than 5 years of age, if its teeth are discolored or if it has persistent bad breath.

2. Start a pet dental care routine at home. Begin brushing your dog's teeth regularly. Some dogs require frequent brushing to keep their teeth healthy and others can be maintained with monthly brushing. Other at-home dental care tips are to feed dry dog food and provide chew toys.

3. Continue regular veterinary dental checkups. Your veterinarian can recommend a schedule.

Years from now, you will gaze into your dog's happy eyes as it flashes a glowing smile, and you'll be glad you're heading out to play a rousing game of fetch instead of to the veterinarian's office for a canine root canal.

Author(s): Hanks, Lisa
Publication: Dog Fancy
Issue Date: February 1996

Canine Library: General